On September 10, 2024, LAI – TOWA Restaurant and Vietnam Children’s Fund, in collaboration with the Quang Ngai Provincial Child Protection Fund, have handed over a water filtration system to Tra Son Junior High School for Ethnic Minority Boarding Students, Tra Bong District, Quang Ngai Province. The system will provide clean water straight from the tap for 370 students and 32 staff in the academic year 2024 – 2025, improving health and education quality in the locality.

Water is essential for daily life and plays a crucial role in sustainable community development. However, in many areas, especially remote and rural ones, clean water is becoming scarce, directly affecting the lives and health of people, particularly children. Tra Bong District of Quang Ngai Province, one of the 74 poorest districts nationwide according to Government Decision 353/TTg in 2022, is a prime example. This area faces a severe shortage of clean water due to harsh natural conditions, limited surface freshwater, and groundwater heavily contaminated with heavy metals.

With the newly installed water filtration system, students and teachers at the school will have access to clean drinking water directly from the tap, meeting 24 physicochemical and 5 microbiological standards for direct drinking water as set by the Ministry of Health. Clean water helps reduce the risk of waterborne diseases such as diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid fever, E. Coli infection, and many others.

LAI – TOWA Restaurant believes that care extends beyond our customers to contribute to the sustainable development of the community. Collaborating with Vietnam Children’s Fund and Quang Ngai Provincial Children’s Protection Fund to install a water filtration system at Tra Son Secondary Boarding School for Ethnic Minority Students is part of our effort to provide clean water for students and teachers. Clean water is not only essential for health but also a solid foundation for learning and education. Clean water is a basic right and an important step in improving the quality of life, opening up opportunities for a brighter and healthier future for the younger generations here.

Previously, on July 11, 2024, LAI – TOWA Restaurant and the clean water program of Vietnam Children’s Fund signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to implement the “Clean Water for Schools – Happy Mid-Autumn Festival” project. For each bill paid at the restaurant, LAI – TOWA donated VND 30,000 to the clean water project, supporting the younger generation on their educational journey. Through this project, LAI – TOWA Restaurant and Vietnam Children’s Fund spread humanitarian and practical values to society to protect children’s health and contribute to building a strong and prosperous Vietnam.

This water filtration system not only provides clean water for students and teachers at Tra Son Junior High School for Ethnic Minority Boarding Students but also serves as a clear testament to the power of community collaboration. We would like to thank LAI – TOWA Restaurant for joining hands with Vietnam Children’s Fund Social Enterprise to bring clean water and a healthy learning environment to these children. A drop of clean water today will sow the seeds for a greener future. Let’s work together to build a Vietnam where every child has access to clean water and the best opportunities,” shared Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, Director of the Clean Water and Environmental Impact program.