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The Vietnam Children’s Fund Social Enterprise Company Limited (VCF SE) website provides descriptions of our programs and how we connect social resources, creating opportunities for individuals, the public, and organizations to join in supporting disadvantaged children and women in Vietnam for a more sustainable Vietnam. Additionally, the website offers you the chance to donate online, interact with us, and download links that may serve your specific purposes. We encourage you to read the entire policy as it reflects our understanding of you when you access our website. These terms and conditions have been developed to protect not only you but also us in a similar manner.
Throughout this policy, you will encounter terms such as ‘Vietnam Children’s Fund Social Enterprise Limited Liability Company,’ ‘VCF SE,’ ‘we,’ and ‘our’ – these terms refer to VCF SE. You will also find terms such as ‘you,’ ‘yours,’ and ‘your(s)’ – these terms refer to the visitors and users of our website.
This website is intended for users in Vietnam and internationally, offering language options in Vietnamese and English.
The intellectual property rights of this website belong to VCF SE. VCF SE is the sole owner of the Vietnam Children’s Fund website.
Your use of materials from the website:
VCF SE reserves all its intellectual property rights in accordance with Vietnamese law for all its content (including but not limited to article contents, images, sounds, videos, software, files, graphics, designs, and data). In some circumstances, these contents can be legally licensed by third parties. VCF SE’s intellectual property rights are protected by Vietnamese law, and other international commitments have been signed and joined by Vietnam. Any activities, including but not limited to the use, copying, or accessing data, etc. without VCF SE’s permission shall be considered as infringing acts and can be handled according to the regulations. Besides, to protect our rights, we can take immediate actions such as retrieval, termination of access rights, etc.
You may read information and electronically copy, download, and print hard copies of the materials on the website only for personal and non-commercial use, provided you comply with all issues explicitly stated in this.
Permission to use VCF SE’s works does not include using them for commercial purposes or transferring, selling, reproducing, distributing, or exploiting VCF SE’s name and logo.
Some entities may attach or use VCF SE’s data, symbols, etc., for various purposes after receiving our approval. Accordingly, any parties using our name and/or logo typically need to make clear their reason and purpose for use and/or instruct the links that direct to our website or social media pages. If the source of information uses our materials but does not have this reference information or doesn’t comply with the terms and expressions, it means that this source of information has not or may not have been approved by us to use our materials.
We always recognize the importance of engaging with the community through the use of online tools. Our website provides you with:
General terms of use:
On our website, we strive for the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of all information. However, we reserve the right to disclaim all legal liability in cases where you use website information as a basis to constrain us. The materials uploaded on this website aim to provide a general overview of issues we deem necessary for communication and should not be the sole basis for drawing conclusions or using them as a legal basis or for similarly significant matters. All decisions made solely based on materials in the manner mentioned above are beyond our responsibility and assembled at your own risk. We reserve the right to modify, remove, or replace the content of this website as needed, but updating, the time of updates, or completeness of updated content is not an obligatory duty to users. With updated content, you agree that it is your responsibility to track those changes during your visits.
On our social media platforms, there are designated areas where the public can upload, post, or submit suggestions, feedback, complaints, or other content. We will assess the appropriateness of the content before responding and publishing it on our website. In some sections, this may be visible to both the public and other users of the social media platform.
It’s imperative to emphasize that individuals assume full responsibility for all information, comments, or content they contribute. Consequently, careful consideration and discretion are advised when preparing comments or disclosures, as they may potentially contravene this policy or violate legal statutes. Such prohibited actions, content, comments, or images encompass a broad spectrum and are not exhaustively limited to:
If you violate any parts of it, we reserve the right to delete or remove that content. We may monitor any user-generated content and have the right to remove content that we find inappropriate and/or violating Vietnamese cultural norms. We will delete comments containing vulgar language, personal attacks, any form of offense, product/service promotion, off-topic comments, or baseless allegations.
VCF SE screens Digital Communications in our Email Account as per VCF SE’s internal policies and as outlined in the Terms and Conditions of this website.
If visitors have any related queries, please feel free to contact us at the following address:
This policy was reviewed and approved by the CEO of Vietnam Children’s Fund Social Enterprise Company Limited.