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Scholarships for Ethnic Minority Girls

Due to economic and cultural barriers, girls and women from ethnic minority communities in rural areas are among the most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in Vietnam. Suffering from numerous obstacles related to education, child marriage, and child labor, many talented ethnic minority girls have limited access to knowledge and development opportunities.

According to statistics, the dropout rate among ethnic minority children is three times higher than the national average. Female students in ethnic minority communities have a dropout rate twice as high, and the rate of marriage before the age of 16 is 3.4 times higher than that of boys. Early marriage leads to consequences such as teenage pregnancy and childbirth. Compared to mothers giving birth over the age of 20, the maternal mortality rate due to childbirth is twice as high for those aged 15 to 19 and four times higher for girls under 15.

To support underprivileged ethnic minority girls who aspire to rise through education, the Vietnam Children's Fund's Scholarship Program seeks out and selects the most talented girls to sponsor full scholarships ranging from 4 to 7 years. This initiative provides them with the opportunity to complete both high school and university. Alongside scholarship, the program offers comprehensive development opportunities through career-oriented activities and annual soft skills training sessions, equipping the beneficiaries with essential soft skills, life skills, and exposure to new experiences.

As we embark on the challenging journey ahead, the Vietnam Children's Fund seeks support from compassionate individuals, philanthropists, and investors. Their contributions are crucial in sustaining our mission to create a promising future for these gifted ethnic minority girls.

Inspiring stories

Free from his congenital heart defect, the little boy Nhat Huy can now enjoy a happy and healthy childhood

No one in the family from Hau Giang province could have anticipated that their little boy, Nhat Huy, who had grown up healthy like any other child, actually had a...

Vietnam Children’s Fund • 13/12/2023

Implementing Health examination and treatment for disadvantaged children in Ho Chi Minh City

On November 18 and 19, Vietnam Children’s Fund Social Enterprise (VCF SE) collaborated with partners, localities, hospitals, departments, and sponsors to implement a free health examination for over 1,000 underprivileged...

Vietnam Children’s Fund • 12/12/2023

Hand over essential neonatal care equipment to Muong Cha District Medical Center

Thanks to the MoMo Piggy Bank’s sponsorship, on October 18, Vietnam Children’s Fund’s Social Enterprise donated eight pieces of essential neonatal care equipment to the Muong Cha District Medical Center...

Vietnam Children’s Fund • 12/12/2023

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