Thanks to the MoMo Piggy Bank’s sponsorship, on October 18, Vietnam Children’s Fund’s Social Enterprise donated eight pieces of essential neonatal care equipment to the Muong Cha District Medical Center in the province of Dien Bien as part of our ongoing mission to protect the lives of newborns and premature babies.

Muong Cha district, Dien Bien province, one of the 74 poorest districts in Vietnam, is home to more than 13 ethnic minorities.

Trao tặng thiết bị y tế sơ sinh thiết yếu cho TTYT huyện Mường Chà, tỉnh Điện Biên

Geographic challenges, limited knowledge along with outdated customs such as child marriage and home birth are the reasons why infant mortality in this area is still very high. On average, 27.3 newborns out of every 1,000 born lost their chance to live due to lack of timely emergency treatment.

For many newborns in serious condition, the hundreds of kilometers between the Muong Cha District Medical Center and higher-level facilities is a significant barrier to protecting their precious lives. These essential neonatal equipment will now bring medical examination and treatment closer to these little patients, giving them the best possible beginning right from birth.