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Supporting Pediatric Cancer Patients

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) estimates that 90,000 children worldwide lose their lives to cancer every year, accounting for around 160,000 new cases of the disease. Approximately 1,800 children in Vietnam alone contract the illness annually. For successful treatment and a higher chance of recovery, early detection is crucial when it comes to cancer in general, and childhood cancer in particular. However, more than 50% of children with cancer in developing countries - including Vietnam, are detected too late and do not receive proper treatment, worsening their already precarious lives.

Through the program "Accompanying Children with Cancer", Vietnam Children's Fund Social Enterprise (VCF SE) strives to help underprivileged children with cancer and their families overcome the illnesses through four key activities:

• Disseminating knowledge in order to facilitate early diagnosis, help families identify the disease's early symptoms, and raise children's survival rates..

• Supporting medical expenses for families of young patients who are in challenging situations.

• Providing psychological care for children through activities involving music, art, and interactive learning.

• Enhancing parents' knowledge about caring for children with cancer, including following treatment guidelines, meeting dietary needs, and offering emotional support.

VCF SE aims to bridge the gap between the community and cancer-stricken children through the implementation of the “Accompanying Children with Cancer” initiative, giving them hope and a fresh start by the combined efforts of society. The love and concern of society serve as a precious source of motivation, enabling families to overcome both financial and emotional burdens to support their children in triumphing over the disease.

Children with cancer still require a lot of company from kind philanthropists on their journey to recovery. Join us in taking action today to support kids in regaining a healthy lifestyle, going to school and following their aspirations like many of their peers.

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